7 Biblical Prayers
for the 2024 General Election

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

1. Repentance and Mercy

  • Just and Merciful Father, we cry out to You for forgiveness over the grievous moral condition of our nation, which has deteriorated on our watch!
  • Forgive me for my role in our nation’s moral failings and for not speaking out or acting when I see evil.
  • Gracious Lord, have mercy upon my state and nation and me. Restore the wayward hearts of our leaders and guide the people of Arizona and the United States of America to turn back to You in both word and action. Lord, heal our land!

2. Godly Leadership

  • Mighty King of kings, grant us righteous leaders— God-fearing men and women who will govern with integrity and wisdom.
  • We pray for the salvation of every governmental leader and political candidate who does not yet know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

3. Believers to Vote According to God's Word

  • Holy God, inspire every Bible-believing Christian to turn out to vote with a biblical worldview.
  • May Your Church be informed about the vital issues and their biblical alignment.
  • Guide Christians to follow godly wisdom and the Holy Spirit in their voting decisions.
  • Help believers understand the impact of this election on families and religious freedoms.
  • Give pastors the courage to speak about godly values from the pulpit and encourage their congregations to vote according to biblical principles.

4. Candidates’ Safety and Honesty

  • Heavenly Father, protect all candidates and their families, surrounding them with Your angelic hosts.
  • Reveal the true character of the candidates and their stances on the issues, so that the voters can make informed choices.
  • Oh Lord, convict the candidates to speak truthfully and act with integrity.
  • Show us Your choice of candidates in this election, and may Your favor be evident upon them.

5. Sacredness of Life: Vote “No” on Prop 139

  • Lord, we ask that Prop 139 fails in the Arizona General Election—that voters recognize the truth of Psalm 139: "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." (vs. 13-14).
  • Shine Your light upon the dangers and misrepresentations of Prop 139.
  • Expose the falsehoods of its proponents and let truth prevail.
  • Lord, we pray for the Arizona Pro-Life Pastors who are standing together in defense of voiceless children and vulnerable women. Grant them courage and effectiveness as they preach and lead the church in this time of standing for the unborn.
  • May the It Goes Too Far campaign and the pro-life collective efforts lead Your Church to victory in defeating this measure.

6. Peace During This Election Cycle.

  • Lord, grant peace throughout the election process and protect our state and nation against violence and unrest. Protect our polling places (schools, churches, and community centers).
  • Uncover any illegal votes and ensure an accurate count of all legal votes.
  • Protect poll workers and keep them honest and vigilant.
  • Heavenly Father, ensure counting machines function correctly and prevent chaos and fraud.

7. Revival, Spiritual Awakening, and Reformation in America:

  • Oh, Lord, pour out Your presence and power upon Your Church once again. We pray for a massive harvest of souls to come into Your Kingdom through our obedience and witness of Jesus the Christ to a lost and dying world.
  • Within this harvest, bring a great awakening in the halls of government—that those who lead our nation would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We pray, also, for godly reformation in every cultural sphere: families, church, education, government, business, media, and arts and entertainment.
  • Lord of the Harvest, send us as laborers into the harvest field, and we say, 'Lord, here am I, send me!'

In Jesus' name, we pray, AMEN!

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